Declaration on accessibility
Declaration on accessibility
Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl GmbH strives to make its websites accessible without barriers in accordance with national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
This accessibility statement applies to the "naturgarten-kaiserstuhl.de" website of Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl GmbH.
Efforts to support accessibility
Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl GmbH takes the following measures to ensure accessibility:
Accessibility is part of our mission statement.
Accessibility is part of our internal guidelines.
Accessibility is integrated into our procurement practices.
An accessibility officer or official have been appointed.
Ongoing accessibility training is provided for staff.
There are clear accessibility goals and responsibilities within the organisation.
Formal accessibility quality assurance methods exist within the company.
Compliance status
Current website accessibility standard:
Current content compliance status:
Compliant: Content does not meet accessibility standard.
Known accessibility issues
Despite our best efforts, users may experience some problems. This is a description of known accessibility problems. Please contact us if you observe a problem that is not listed.
Policy 1.3 Adaptable:
Pages should contain an h1. Headings must be structured correctly. Heading levels must not be skipped.
Pages with Toubiz widget sometimes contain two first order headings or this is in the middle of the content breaking the hierarchy.
Guideline 1.3.2 Sensible order:
If you open a popup/overlay within the Toubiz widget, the only way to access and close this with the keyboard is to go back several steps in the tab order.
Guideline 1.3.3Sensory Characteristics:
Buttons with fold-out content in the Toubiz widgets are only distinguishable from the other buttons by a visually present icon.
Guideline 1.3.5 Identify the purpose of input fields:
Input fields in the Toubiz widgets do not have texts (labels) identifying them or are actively hidden from assistive technology.
Policy 1.4 Distinguishable:
On community pages, there are duplicates in the link text, but the link destinations differ (e.g. link "Events" in the middle of the page and link "Events" in the footer.
Links must have a name that describes the link target. For example, the following text is used on the home page: "An overview of the applicable regulations can be found here." The word "here" is declared as a link. The correct word would be "overview". In general, words like "here" or "more" do not allow any conclusion about the link target. In case of doubt, entire sentences can also be declared as links if this serves the purpose of clarity.
Search input and date input within the Toubiz widgets are visually identical, but differ fundamentally in their function and interaction.
Buttons that perform filtering and those that display fold-out content are only distinguishable by a visual cue (icon).
Guideline 2.1.1Keyboard:
The date selection for events is not accessible/operable with the keyboard. The information regarding occupancy, COVID-19, access, tickets, parking and arrival by public transport is not accessible/operable with the keyboard.
Guideline 2.4.7Focus visible:
The focus indicator is not always visible or is very difficult to see.
There are spelling errors in the text paragraphs. There are punctuation errors in the text sections.
Links in the Toubiz widget results overview have a lot of choppy content, which makes it very difficult to read. In addition, essential information about the link destination cannot always be recognised due to the amount of content within the links.
Guideline 3.1.2Language of parts
In some cases, content in more than two languages can be found on a page, but is not labelled accordingly.
Guideline3.3.1Error identification,
Guideline3.3.2Labels and instructions,
Guideline3.3.3Recommendation for error correction:
The search on the home page has no explanation of its function. The labels ("Where" and "What") are insufficient as an explanation of the content that can be searched. When an error occurs, there is an error identification, but the recommendation to fix the error is unclear ("experience-finder-no-result").
Policy 4.1.1Parsing:
There are URIs with spaces in the page. The iframe element has attributes which are not allowed and the value in the "width" attribute has a unit (%) which is also not allowed. There shall be no heading in an address element.
Guideline 4.1.2Name, Role, Value:
All buttons within Toubiz widgets have no helping attributes for assistive technologies.
Feedback process
We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of this website. Please contact us in one of the following ways:
Phone: 07667 906850
Email: info@kaiserlich-geniessen.de
Company address: Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl GmbH, Zum Kaiserstuhl 18 , 79206 Breisach
Typical response time to enquiries:
1-2 days.
The accessibility of this website depends on the following technologies to function:
Evaluation Methods
Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl has assessed the accessibility of this website using the following method(s):
External assessment: the website has been assessed by an external body not involved in the design and development process.
Formal approval of this Accessibility Statement
This accessibility statement was approved by:
Nature Garden Kaiserstuhl GmbH
Ulrike White
14.12.2021 This statement was created on 14.12.2021.